Entity Framework Classic Query Include Filter


The EF Query Include Filter feature let you filter related entities that will be included.

For example, you want to load your customers and their invoices, but only related invoices that are not soft deleted.

var customers = context.Customers.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted)).ToList();

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This feature allows you to handle various scenarios such as:


To use this feature, you need to download the following NuGet Package

It's planned in 2019 to improve the Query Include Filter feature, remove some limitations, and integrate the code directly in Entity Framework Classic package.

Getting Started

Include one level

To filter with the IncludeFilter method, you need to specify the path as you do with the Include method and use a LINQ Where clause. Some other LINQ methods could also be used such as Take, Skip, and more.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var context = new EntityContext()

// LOAD customers and related active invoices.
var customers = context.Customers.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted)).ToList();

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Include multiple levels

To filter multiple levels, you need to use the IncludeFilter on every level, not only the last one, unlike the Include method.

In this example, we performed an IncludeFilter on the Invoices level, and one on the InvoiceItems level.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var context = new EntityContext()

// LOAD customers and related active invoices and InvoiceItems[NEEDGOODWORD!!!].
var customers = context.Customers.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted))
				.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted)
							   .Select(y => y.InvoiceItems
							   		.Where(z => !z.IsSoftDeleted)))

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The limitations to include every level will be removed when the feature will be integrated into Entity Framework Classic.

Include chaining

You can chain multiple IncludeFilter methods one after another but you cannot mix it with other include methods such as Include, AlsoInclude, ThenInclude, IncludeOptimized.

If you need to include without a filter, you can still use the IncludeFilter method.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var context = new EntityContext()

// LOAD customers and related active invoices and InvoiceItems.
var customers = context.Customers.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted))
				.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted)
							   .Select(y => y.InvoiceItems
							   		.Where(z => !z.IsSoftDeleted)))

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The limitation to chain only with IncludeFilter method will be removed when the feature will be integrated into Entity Framework Classic.

Real Life Scenarios

Exclude soft deleted entities

You need to load Customer and include related Invoice and InvoiceItem, but only related Invoice and InvoiceItem that are not soft deleted.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var context = new EntityContext()

// LOAD customers and related active invoices, and InvoiceItems.
var customers = context.Customers.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted))
				.IncludeFilter(x => x.Invoices.Where(y => !y.IsSoftDeleted)
							   .Select(y => y.InvoiceItems
							   		.Where(z => !z.IsSoftDeleted)))

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Include with security access

You need to load a post and include related comments, but only related comments the current role have access.

// myRoleID = 1; // Administrator

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var ctx = new EntitiesContext();

// LOAD posts and available comments for the role level.
var posts= ctx.Posts.IncludeFilter(x => x.Comments.Where(y => y.RoleID >= myRoleID))

Include paginated entities

You need to load a post and include related comments, but only the first 10 related comments sorted by views.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var context = new EntityContext()

context.Invoices.IncludeFilter(x => x.InvoiceItems.Take(10));

Try it: NET Core | NET Framework


Extension Methods

Name Description Example
IncludeFilter<TEntityType, TRelatedEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntityType> query, Expression<Func<TEntityType, IEnumerable<TRelatedEntity>>> filter) An IQueryable<TEntityType> extension method that includes and filter a collection of related entities. NET Core / NET Framework
IncludeFilter<TEntityType, TRelatedEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntityType> query, Expression<Func<TEntityType, TRelatedEntity>> filter) An IQueryable<TEntityType> extension method that includes and filter a single related entities. NET Core / NET Framework


  • Cannot be mixed with projection
  • Cannot be mixed with Include
  • Cannot be mixed with IncludeOptimized
  • Cannot be used with AsNoTracking
  • Cannot be used with Many to Many relationships
  • Cannot filter entities already loaded

Most of those limitations will be removed when the Query Include Filter code will be integrated directly in Entity Framework Classic.

Cannot filter entities already loaded

If an entity is already part of the ChangeTracker (the context), it's impossible to exclude it even with the IncludeFilter. That's how the ChangeTracker works.

// using Z.EntityFramework.Plus; // Don't forget to include this.
var context = new EntityContext()


// The Invoices automatically contain all InvoiceItems [NEEDGOODWORD!!!] even without using the "Include" method.

// Trying to load only one InvoiceItems [NEEDGOODWORD!!!] will obviously not work either.
context.Invoices.IncludeFilter(x => x.InvoiceItems.Take(1)).ToList();

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In this case, we recommend to create and load entities from a new DbContext.