Entity Framework Classic Query Future


Every time an immediate method like ToList or FirstOrDefault is invoked on a query, a database round trip is made to retrieve data. While most applications don't have performance issues with making multiple round trips, batching multiple queries into one can be critical for some heavy traffic applications scalability.

EF Classic Query Future opens up all batching future queries features for Entity Framework users.

To batch multiple queries, simply append Future or FutureValue method to the query. All future queries will be stored in a pending list, and when the first future query requires a database round trip, all queries will be resolved in the same SQL command.

Provider Supported

  • SQL Server



// CREATE a pending list of future queries
var customers = context.Customers.Future();
var ActiveCustomers = context.Customers.Where(x => x.IsActive).Future();

// TRIGGER all pending queries in one database round trip            
FiddleHelper.WriteTable("Customers", customers.ToList());        
FiddleHelper.WriteTable("Active Customers", ActiveCustomers);

Try it: NET Core | NET Framework



Name Description Default Example
IsEnabled Gets or sets if the QueryFuture feature is enabled. true NET Core / NET Framework


The QueryFutureEnumerable<TEntityType> inherit from the IEnumerable<T> interfaces.

Name Description Example
ToArrayAsync() Converts this object to an array asynchronous. NET Core / NET Framework
ToArrayAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Converts this object to an array asynchronous. NET Core / NET Framework
ToListAsync() Converts this object to a list asynchronous. NET Core / NET Framework
ToListAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Converts this object to a list asynchronous. NET Core / NET Framework


Name Description Default Example
Value Gets the value of the future query. null NET Core / NET Framework
Name Description Example
ValueAsync() Gets the value of the future query. NET Core / NET Framework
ValueAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) Gets the value of the future query. NET Core / NET Framework

