Entity Framework Classic .NET Core Support


Even if Microsoft has created a new library named EF Core, we also added the support for the .NET Core to Entity Framework Classic since we believe that a lot of developers still prefer EF6 over EF Core.

Here are some features present in EF6 that still hasn't been implemented in EF Core. By using EF Classic, you will be able to use those features in a .NET Core Environment:

  • ObjectContext API
  • Querying using Entity SQL.
  • Inheritance: Table per type (TPT)
  • Inheritance: Table per concrete class (TPC)
  • Many-to-Many without join entity
  • Entity Splitting
  • Spatial Data
  • Lazy loading of related data
  • Stored procedure mapping with DbContext for CUD operation
  • Seed data

Reference: Entity Framework Tutorial


Database First & .NET Core

You can use your Database First Model with your .NET Core project. However, since the EntityDeploy is not part of .NET Core, you will need to change the [ModelName].edmx Copy to Output Directory to Copy always or Copy if newer and specify your model name:


You must also ensure that you use the model copied to the directory output

// BAD
// <add name="Entities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Model.csdl|res://*/Model.ssdl|res://*/Model.msl;..." providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

// Good
<add name="Entities" connectionString="metadata=.\Model.csdl|.\Model.ssdl|.\Model.msl;..." providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />


Migration is not yet available. You will need to create a .NET Framework project to generate migration files and add it to your .NET Core project.

