Entity Framework Classic C# Eval Expression


The C# Eval Expression features let you execute code dynamically.

var result = Eval.Execute("X + Y", new { X = 1, Y = 2 }); // return 3

Try it: NET Core | NET Framework

This feature is provided by the library C# Eval Epression (Included with EF Classic).

Real-Life Scenarios

Sets entity value from JSON

Your application needs to set property value from a JSON file you receive.

var json = @"
      'Type': 'Customer',
      'Properties': {
          'Code': 'Z0',
           'FirstName': 'ZZZ',
          'LastName': 'Projects'
      'Type': 'Customer',
      'Properties': {
          'Code': 'Z1',
           'FirstName': 'Jonathan',
          'LastName': 'Magnan'

var listToMerge = new List<object>();
foreach(var item in list)
    var obj = Eval.Execute("new " + item.Type + "()");

    foreach(var property in item.Properties)
        Eval.Execute(property.Name + " = '" + property.Value + "'", obj);

Try it: NET Core | NET Framework

Executing LINQ from JSON

Your application needs to filter returning entities depending on the JSON you receive.

var json = @"
      'Method': 'Where',
      'Field': 'Name',
      'Operation': '==',
      'Value': '""Customer_A""',
      'Method': 'Where',
      'Expression': 'Description.Contains(""ZZZ Projects"")',

foreach(var qc in queryCriterias)
    if(qc.Method == "Where") 
            query = query.Where(x => "x." + qc.Expression);
            var expression = "x.[Field] [Operation] [Value]"
            .Replace("[Field]", qc.Field)
            .Replace("[Operation]", qc.Operation)
            .Replace("[Value]", qc.Value);
            query = query.Where(x => expression);

Try it: NET Core | NET Framework

Learn more

More documentation can be found here: C# Eval Expression

