Entity Framework Classic Bulk SaveChanges


The EF Bulk SaveChanges feature lets you save thousands of entities in your database efficiently.

This feature is provided by the library EF Extensions (Included with EF Classic). EF Extensions is used by over 2000 customers all over the world and supports all Entity Framework versions (EF4, EF5, EF6, EF Core, EF Classic).

context.Customers.AddRange(listToAdd); // add
context.Customers.RemoveRange(listToRemove); // remove
listToModify.ForEach(x => x.DateModified = DateTime.Now); // modify

// Easy to use

// Easy to customize
context.BulkSaveChanges(bulk => bulk.BatchSize = 100);

Try it: NET Core | NET Framework

Performance Comparison

Operations 1,000 Entities 2,000 Entities 5,000 Entities
SaveChanges 1,200 ms 2,400 ms 6,000 ms
BulkSaveChanges 175 ms 325 ms 750 ms
BulkSaveChanges(false) 125 ms 200 ms 450 ms

Try it: NET Core | NET Framework


Performance may differ from a database to another. A lot of factors might affect the benchmark time such as index, column type, latency, throttling, etc.

Why BulkSaveChanges is faster than SaveChanges?

Using the ChangeTracker to detect and persist changes automatically is great! However, it leads very fast to some problems when multiple entities need to be saved.

SaveChanges method makes a database round-trip for every change. So, if you need to insert 10000 entities, then 10000 database round-trips will be performed which is INSANELY slow.

BulkSaveChanges works exactly like SaveChanges but reduces the number of database round-trips required to help significantly improve the performance.

Why BulkSaveChanges(false) is faster than BulkSaveChanges?

The BulkSaveChanges method uses a lot of methods coming from the Entity Framework. When passing false in parameter, some logic such as identity propagation uses custom logic that has been optimized. Learn more about EF Extensions - Improve BulkSaveChanges



Name Description Example
BulkSaveChanges() Save all changes made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework
BulkSaveChanges(Action<BulkOperation> bulkOperationFactory) Save all changes made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework
BulkSaveChanges(bool useEntityFrameworkPropagation) Save all changes made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework
BulkSaveChanges(bool useEntityFrameworkPropagation, Action<BulkOperation> bulkOperationFactory) Save all changes made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework
BulkSaveChangesAsync() Save all changes asynchronously made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework
BulkSaveChangesAsync(Action<BulkOperation> bulkOperationFactory) Save all changes asynchronously made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework
BulkSaveChangesAsync(bool useEntityFrameworkPropagation) Save all changes asynchronously made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework
BulkSaveChangesAsync(bool useEntityFrameworkPropagation, Action<BulkOperation> bulkOperationFactory) Save all changes asynchronously made in this context to the underlying database by executing bulk operations. NET Core / NET Framework

Learn more

More documentation can be found here: EF Extensions - Bulk SaveChanges

